Valentines Day-Why Roses?
Posted by      01/28/2017 10:20:16    Comments 0
Valentines Day-Why Roses?

Give red roses for Valentines Day and you're sending an unmistakeable message of passion and romantic love. (while yellow roses signify friendship and devotion, and white roses is a symbol of purity, innocence, sympathy and spirituality.)

According to dating coach and behavioural psychologist Jo Hemmings, we associate the distinctive smell of roses with celebrations such as Valentine™s Day, so our emotional perception is already tuned into this and enhances our sensory receptors to perceive rose as the ultimate romantic scent.

It is much sought after and is costly to produce. Apparently, it takes approximately 308,000 roses to produce just one kilo of pure rose oil in an incredibly labour-intensive process. This is why rose oil is highly prized. Roses have to be picked before the sun gains strength which reduces the scent of the oil.  The most expensive rose of all is Rose de Mai, from Grasse in France, costing £32,000 per kilo.

So wake up and smell the roses on Valentines Day. There's more than meets the eye. Appreciate it while it lasts and let the scent linger forever in your mind.

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