Golly Dolls - a treasured keepsake?
Posted by      06/10/2010 00:00:00    Comments 0

The golly doll, which used to be called 'golliwogg' was inspired by a blackface minstrel doll and created by Florence Kate Upton in the late 19th century. The golly has been a subject of great debate. Seen as racist by some, the side with this view argues that it should be retired as a relic of the past due to its blatant racist connotations, while the other sides favours the preservation of the golly doll as a bygone childhood tradition that should be treasured. The term 'wog' was the other contentious issue which resulted in the toy being simply referred to as 'golly', and later 'golly doll'. If you're on the side that sees the golly doll as a much cherished childhood toy, along with the teddy bear, then here are two simply gorgeous girl and boy golly dolls, Maisie and Maxie, that you can get for keepsake to remind you of those good old days.


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