What to buy for first wedding anniversary?
Posted by      05/11/2016 14:28:32    Comments 0
What to buy for first wedding anniversary?

It's your first wedding anniversary and you want your gift to be meaningful. For generations, paper has been a traditional first wedding anniversary gift - gifts like writing journals, books, paper art make great gifts for this one year anniversary. So what's the symbolic meaning of paper with the first anniversary?

Paper represents a clean slate or blank page as you embark on life's journey with your partner. The first year anniversary is a fresh, new beginning. Paper is fragile, treat it with care as you would your relationship. As you build your future together, you create your life story and write it in a journal. (See Kangaroo Leather Journal, a perfect 'paper' gift).

And as the years go by, your relationship mellows and becomes enriched as it grows stronger and less fragile. And if you make it to your Golden 50th wedding anniversary, celebarte it with the Gold Crane Wall Art, a magical piece of handcraft combining origami butterflies with a rich and vibrant gold wallpaper pattern with flying cranes, a symbol of good fortune and longevity.

Featured gift: Gold Crane Wall Art